Brian Carew

Brian Carew (formerly known as Dex Parker) is an erotic adult performer and educator from Vancouver, British Columbia. He is a Pansexual Switch with a specialization in holistic erotic creation and education.

On his OnlyFans Brian describes his take on adult work and expression: “My aim and purpose are to invigorate, enrich and uplift the sexual energy that resides within us all. We are all sexual beings, and we all can find deeper experiences of sexual empowerment through more than just the physical body. I am here to guide you, and also to learn alongside you as I offer my raw & unfiltered journey towards my own trust expression.” Brian spends his life breaking taboos surrounding sex work and changing perceptions of the pejorative prostitution model. We look forward to seeing and hearing more from him on CHEEX in all his dynamic glory!

Films from Brian Carew

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