Sugar Town Girls

It is founded in 2018, London based, German director-producer team of Julia Schönstädt and Coco Stuck. Both gay and we focus on girl on girl content. They want to contribute to LGBT+ community. narrative short film scripts, core values: revolve around female empowerment, goal is to create a sense of community, especially while working on sets.

They prefer to work in a female team, as to create … and break with male dominated adult film production industry, which usually recruit male crew. So to give voice and create a safe spaces for women expressing their ideas, desires, sex. The models and performers meet before, to establish good communication and get to know each other. (the only male in the team is DOP Matt) Performers recruited from agencies. Sugar Town Girls aim is celebrating women who love women. Creating lesbian porn , discovering niches in girl on girl, extra-fem, sweet kinky.

Films from Sugar Town Girls

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