Julia de Lucia

Julia de Lucia

Julia De Lucia is a Barcelona-based, prolific performer who journeys around the globe to show us a taste of her beauty, sensuality, and ultimate radiance. You can find her in the extremely successful film ‘The Guesthouse’ from Joybear and Lust Cinema and you can now find her on CHEEX.

She is a dynamic performer that loves to explore all corners of sexuality. She is empowered and magnetized by her sexuality. She loves to wander through the world, sensuality on the hip and doused in electric energy. The world needs more Julia De Lucia’s and if you vibe with her, we are sure you will want to partake in your own adventure of sexuality. Julia De Lucia takes you on a journey as she dips into men, and women, and has sweet orgasms. She makes your body reverberate and makes you

Films from Julia de Lucia


Lust & Libido

Wie geht das mit der Lust? Verbessere deine Beziehungen und dein Sexualleben – vor allem mit dir selbst.

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