Audio Erotica – A Genre for Women Only?

Porn is transforming. However, not just towards virtual reality experiences or monthly subscription services that offer specific porn upon request. The movement we are talking about today is audio erotica. Was telephone sex reinvented for the female gender? And what does covid have to do with this?


But What Exactly is Audio Porn?

In simple terms, audio porn refers to pornography that solely relies on audio, created by individuals who could be sex workers but aren’t necessarily. The content may include a sexy story, guided masturbation, or simply the creator’s masturbation session—essentially, pure moaning.

Audio porn is currently enjoying a fair bit of attention. Charis (she/they), our audio-porn expert at CHEEX, explains, “Voices play an underrated role in evaluating the subjective attractiveness of a person, and people are starting to catch up on the untapped power of vocal attractiveness” (Charis Uster, 2022). Dipsea, the audio porn app, experienced an 84% increase in subscriber volume when quarantine began. Co-founder Gina Gutierrez asserts that listening to porn is a valuable tool for self-soothing during times of collective anxiety (Franki Cookney, 2020).

The other self-care trend during COVID was mindfulness apps. For example, “Master” experienced a 218% growth in 2020, and the market-favorite “Calm” had 3.9 million downloads in April 2020. Back then, everyone was confined to their own space, house and head. The usual distractions and stress factors suddenly disappeared. The silence became overwhelming. How could we handle that silence? What to do with all this time? How to cope with your partner being around 24/7? Which banana bread recipe to try next? Statistics show that both mindfulness apps and audio porn helped people answer these questions and maintain their sanity by shifting the focus internally.

Fast forward to 2022—trend of audio porn has not diminished, and one of its fantastic features in the spotlight is the benefit of anonymity for both the consumer and the creator. First, regarding the consumer: audio porn, unlike video porn, can be consumed in a library, on a plane, during a walk or at work—with significantly minimized risk of being caught. A fun fact: A study by the sex and lifestyle magazine sugarcookie revealed that about 60% of Brits have watched porn at work at some point, with an unsettling 30% getting caught (Tommie McDonald, 2018).

Creators Face Different Challenges, but Being Recognised Is Not One of Them!


Audio porn is an appealing avenue for individuals who want to engage in sex work without exposing their face to the public. This suggests, in the broader context, that this type of sex work has become more accessible, and as a result, the pool of creators has become more diverse.

Also, GQ interviewed audio porn star Mitchell Warren, who contends that audio porn allows for more intimacy than visual porn (Tyler McCall, 2022). Another hearing-based trend is ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response). It has a place in audio porn, giving people so-called brain-gasms and intense physical sensations, according to Healthline (Stephanie Booth, 2019).

Audio porn is refreshing and intimate because it stimulates fantasies in our minds. Charis Uster explains: “Removing the visuals does not erase our society’s sexual imagery, stereotypes, or ideals completely, but it can help you detach from them or at least add your own spice to them… [i]n the safety of your own mind” (Charis Uster, 2022).

The female gaze and the role of women during sex are widely discussed. However, audio porn tackles something even broader: It addresses everyone’s gaze.

Let’s take a look at the cliché and stereotype that women are the target audience and main user base for audio porn. Why do many believe that women prefer audio porn?

Beginning with beauty standards, statistics have shown that 7 in 10 girls believe they are not good enough or do not measure up in some way. Seventy-four per cent say they are under pressure to please everyone, and 98% feel immense pressure from external sources to look a certain way (Charis Uster, 2022). Just a quick reminder: You are beautiful, and you are enough. We all are.

Another reason why audio porn might be categorized as a genre for women is that traditional visual porn tends to depict the female part of the act as the weaker part and at a disadvantage: “Of these scenes, more than 88% contained physical violence, 98% of which was directed towards the women in the films” (Brainbuddy, n.d.).

Taking this thought further, visual erotica can be a harmful trigger for survivors of sexual assault. Besides having the power to turn someone off immediately, it can cause unwanted flashbacks and result in negative feelings. In the UK, for example, 1 in 4 women has experienced sexual assault, whereas men only 1 in 20 (rapecrisis, n.d.). You get the point: Women are more likely to experience re-traumatizing flashbacks when engaging with physical porn.

In summary, there are valid arguments as to why women are specifically intrigued to listen to porn. However, that does not imply that these reasons are invalid for people identifying as women.

All Porn Is For All People.

CHEEX statistics show it best: 34.8% of our audio users are male, 53.9% are female, and the rest prefer to keep their gender to themselves.

Besides, what characteristics of a human being are more important than their personality and health? As mentioned earlier, we can be attracted to someone’s voice. But not just that: “Hearing someone speak is more likely to reveal diverse and important character traits than simply judging based on looks” (Charis Uster, 2022). Regarding health, around 1.3 billion people around the globe live with limited eyesight.

Either way, every person could enjoy audio porn, since it leaves space for individual preferences and fetishes to inform the imagination, making the listener the creative director of their own porn.

Let’s embrace the authentic fantasies about us and include us—the way we look and feel! That is sexual wellness, and that is for everyone. A genre that is available to whoever needs it.


Booth, S. (2019, October 10). Audio erotica: Why more people are listening to porn.  Retrieved November 29, 2022, from audio-porn#Listening-in 

Cookney, F. (2020, May 27). More people are listening to audio porn in quarantine,  here’s why. Retrieved November 29, 2022, from frankicookney/2020/05/27/more-people-are-listening-to-audio-porn-in-quarantine heres-why/?sh=e2a017536886 

McCall, T. (2022, November 14). Meet the husky-voiced hunks of audio porn.  Retrieved November 30, 2022, from voiced-hunks-of-audio-porn 

McDonald, T. (2019, April 01). How many people watch porn at work will shock you.  Retrieved November 30, 2022, from at-work/ 

Perez, S. (2020, May 28). Meditation and mindfulness apps continue their surge  amid the pandemic. Retrieved November 30, 2022, from 2020/05/28/meditation-and-mindfulness-apps-continue-their-surge-amid pandemic/ 

Statistics about sexual violence and abuse. (n.d.). Retrieved November 30, 2022,  from 

The most up-to-date pornography statistics. (2022, January 03). Retrieved  November 29, 2022, from 

The most recent porn facts and statistics (updated 2021) – brainbuddy. (n.d.).  Retrieved November 30, 2022, from facts-and-statistics-updated-2021 

Uster, C. (2022, November 15). The science of voice attractiveness: What makes a  voice irresistible and why. Retrieved November 30, 2022, from and-why/ 

Uster, C. (2022, November 15). Rewire your brain: How audio porn can help you  redefine beauty & reclaim pleasure. Retrieved November 29, 2022, from https:// reclaim-pleasure/

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