A Guide to Nipple and Vulva Piercings

From caretaking to what types there are…Find out everything you’ve ever wanted to know about nipple and vulva piercings here.


First and foremost we know how making decisions to have new piercings can be very nerve-wracking, especially due to the overwhelming amount of contradicting information out there. So we would like to welcome you to our compact guide on nipple and vulva piercings which will explain everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the subject. Let’s begin.

Nipple Piercings

The size of your nipples does not influence whether you can have nipple piercings. From small to large piercings, anything can work. The piercer will just adjust the size of the piercing to your nipple. However, some people have different anatomy which can make having a nipple piercing impossible. You can find out whether this is the case by discussing it with your piercer beforehand, after showing them your nipples. You can also always get a second opinion. But we have our fingers crossed that it is possible for you 🙂

Nipple Piercing Styles

There are a variety of styles you can choose from. The most common is to have your nipple pierced horizontally. Another way would be to have the piercing go diagonally through your nipple. Some people also have several nipple piercings in one nipple. You can also have your nipple pierced vertically. What is most important is that you look at images of the different directions the piercing can go beforehand and decide which aesthetic matches you best.

For jewelry, there are a lot of different piercings that you can get. Again, make a mood board for yourself and decide which ones you would like to try out. The overarching categories are that there are rings/hoopsstraight bars, or barbells (these are bars that have balls that can be removed at each end). Barbells can be bent or circular like a U. There are also options such as nipple retainers that you can use when you want the nipple piercing to be more subtle or if you are ever undergoing surgery. You can also of course always test out different styles. There are of course also a variety of different materials your piercing can have. Titanium, platinum, gold, silver, and stainless steel are some of the opinions. Titanium is hypoallergenic, which means it rarely creates problems. Stainless steel, however, is oftentimes a bit cheaper and, therefore, has nickel mixed in, which can cause allergic reactions. As the nipples are very sensitive areas, do make sure to ask experts about which piercing is sensible to buy, and if you ever have an allergic reaction, have the piercings taken out immediately and exchange them. If you have a strong reaction also make sure to go to a general practitioner.


After making the decision to get your nipple or nipples pierced, it is important to decide on who should pierce them. You should not make this decision lightly.

I would recommend researching different piercers extensively, checking out things like their socials, google reviews, yelp reviews, etc, can help too. Asking people in your circle who already have a nipple piercing can be helpful too, so you can add or remove people from your potential piercer list. After you have decided on someone, make an appointment to meet them and have them explain the procedure to you. This will give you a chance to ask all the questions you have and finalize the day you will actually get the piercing and what type of piercing you will have at the beginning. Usually, a 14-gauge straight barbell is recommended, as the nipple can swell during the healing process, which is why a longer bar is usually used during this time period.

Getting Your Nipple Piercing

On the day of your appointment make sure that you are well-rested and hydrated. You will arrive at your piercing studio, sign consent forms, etc, and then be taken to a private space where you can undress. Whether you remove your shirt or just pull it up or down is totally up to you and how comfortable you feel. The piercer will sterilize the piercing you have chosen and stick a needle through your nipple (if they pull out a piercing gun instead of a needle…run).

The amount this will hurt varies between people and you just have to test out how tolerable the pain is for you. It is possible that you will bleed during or the week following the procedure, this is normal, but keep an eye on this in case it becomes too much. Some people also pierce one nipple first and then the next after the first one has healed.


Your piercer will give you specific instructions on how to take care of your nipple piercing. Here are some tips and tricks from me:

If you are unsure about anything check in with your piercer or visit a doctor. The healing process takes around 6-12 months but can vary between individuals.

Changing your Nipple Piercing

During the first healing period do not change your jewelry, as this will increase the risk of infection. Ask your piercer if they believe the piercing can be changed. This time you can choose your own jewelry and style, you can either have a piercer do it, or you can do it yourself. Remember to go to a doctor immediately, if you have any problems with your piercing.

What Nipple Piercing Can Do for Your Sexual Pleasure

After you get your nipple piercings your nipples are not always hard and aroused but they are more pronounced and through this and can be a lot more sensitive. This means when you or someone else, touches, flicks, rubs, licks, etc, your arousal can really increase. Your chance to have a nipple orgasm can increase immensely through this. However, this also varies and for some people, the nipples also become less sensitive after the piercing process.


Vulva Piercing

Now let’s look into all the different types of vulva piercings there are and what the procedure of getting them looks like.

Types Of Vulva Piercings

Clit Piercings: these usually surround the outer layer of the clitoris and are placed at the top of one’s vulva

Clitoral Glans Piercing: This type of piercing is actually pierced through one’s clitoris. It is very rare as anatomically the clitoris needs to be quite big and it’s hood quite small, in order for the piercing to be possible. Around 90-95% of people with a vulva do not have cliorises that would accommodate this piercing. The healing takes around 4-8 weeks. 

Horizontal Clitoral Hood Piercing: This piercing goes horizontally through the clitoral hood. While it is very pretty, it only enhances sexual pleasure for people who’s clitoral glans are out a little. This is rarely the case and even then it has to be positioned very carefully for it to create pleasure. This means that this piercing has more of a decorative purpose, before all else. The healing takes around 6-8 weeks. 

Triangle Piercing: This piercing is also pierced horizontally. However, it is placed at the base of the clitoral hood, at the highest point beneath the clitoral shaft. Through this placement the stimulation from the piercing comes from behind the clitoris. Since there are a lot of nerve endings at this point it can lead to very intense pleasure experiences that have led people with vulvas to (finally) have their first orgasm. The healing takes around 12-18 weeks.

Vertical Hood Piercing: This is the most popular vulva piercing, as most people with a vulva are suited for it. This piercing vertically goes through the clitoral hood. This means when using a barbell that the top part of the piercing touches the clitoral hood and the lower part rests on the clitoris. The healing takes around 4-8 weeks.

The Princess Diana Piercing/ Duke’s Piercing: This piercing has a lot in common with the vertical hood piercing. The biggest difference is that it is placed off to the sides of the clitoral hood. This means that depending on the piercee’s anatomy, the clitoral hood can be pierced up to three times in this way. Sensation here we cum ;). The healing takes around 4-8 weeks.

Labia Piercing: The outer and inner labia can each be pierced, if they are long enough. If both sides are long enough people with vulvas sometimes have each side pierced symmetrically. Others only pierce one side. If the labia piercings are placed on the height of the clitoris they can also enhance pleasure, by rubbing it from the side. 

Venus Piercing/ Christina Piercing: This piercing is placed on the pubis. This is the skin right above the apex of the labia. It is pierced vertically. It has a very long healing process and can only be done on people who have a defined divot on the top of their hood, as well as a lot of pliable tissue at the pubis. Even then it can be in the way of frontal sexual activity. The healing takes 24 weeks to a year. 

Fourchette Piercing: This piercing is placed at the lower entrance of the vagina. In a sensitive place between vagina and anus. This gives it an interesting sensation that varies largely to that of clitoral piercings. When having penetrative sex the person penetrating will also be able to feel the piercing. 

Princess Albertina Piercing: This piercing is done in ring form and it is quite rare. It circles through the urethra and the entrance of the vaginal canal. This can help with stimulation, but you should inform yourself on urethral pleasure beforehand (or have tested it out).

You can choose whether you want a ring, a circular barbell or a curved barbell. It is recommended you use an implant grade stainless steel piercing, or a solid 14-karat gold (or higher) piercing.  

Preparation for your Vulva Piercing

After deciding to get a vulva piercing, it is important to choose who should pierce them. You should not make this decision lightly, as you want to ensure that you get someone who is aware of all the risks, such as scarring and nerve damage, and knows exactly how to piece the piercing you want. I would recommend researching different piercers extensively, checking out things like their socials, google reviews, yelp reviews, etc, can help too. Asking people in your circle who already have a vulva piercing can be helpful too, so you can add or remove people from your potential piercer list. After you have decided on someone, make an appointment to meet them and have them explain the procedure to you. This will give you a chance to ask all the questions you have and finalize the day you will actually get the piercing. At this appointment, they may also look at your vulva to see if the piercing you want is possible with your anatomy.

Getting it done

On the day of your appointment make sure that you are well-rested and hydrated. You will arrive at your piercing studio, sign consent forms, and be taken to a private space where you can undress. The piercer will sterilize the piercing you have chosen and stick a needle through the part of your vulva you have chosen (if they pull out a piercing gun instead of a needle…run).

How much this will hurt varies between the spot you have chosen and is really different from person to person. You just have to test out how tolerable the pain is for you. I

 It is possible that you will bleed during or the week following the procedure, this is normal, but keep an eye out in case it becomes too much. Also make sure to carefully remove it.




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