And What Are You Watching? (January 2023)

The holidays are over, old films have been watched for the hundredth time and the weather makes you reluctant to step outside. We have just the right thing: new series both entertain and educate.


We present to you a selection of series that delve into topics such as queerness, love, lust, identity and sex, all currently available on streaming services.

The Principles Of Pleasure

The Netflix Originals documentary series celebrates and explores the complexities of female pleasure, elucidating the orgasm/pleasure gap while dispelling ingrained myths. Each of the three 50-minute episodes—”Our Bodies”, “Our Minds” and “Our Relationships”—is packed with exciting knowledge. Interviews with experts are based on scientific findings, and each topic is underlined by beautiful motion designs and graphics.

Sex Diaries

This HBO series tells the stories of eight different people from New York City, documenting how they navigate sex and dating in the big city. Video diaries offer an intimate insight into reflections on relationship maintenance and sexual desire, capturing both highs and lows. The series is inspired by the New York Magazine column “Sex Diaries”, written by Alyssa Shelasky, and Alyssa herself accompanies the characters in this series. This contemporary exploration of sexuality, intimacy and the quest for relationships provides new perspectives and insights into the lives of the protagonists.

Las de la Última Fila (The Girls at the Back)

Five friends embark on the latest iteration of an annual journey, but this time, everything is different. One of them is battling cancer, so they form a pact: Cancer-talk is off-limits during the holidays. The identity of the friend with cancer remains unclear until the series ends. The Spanish miniseries focuses on the new rules they collectively establish. Each person must write down a wish that they have not considered so far for fear of consequences, and, without exception, these wishes are to be fulfilled. Each task reveals new facets of their personalities, forcing them to confront feelings, desires and secrets. This drama-comedy highlights the emotional and captivating journey of the leading cast members’ relationships to love, identity and friendship.
For German-speaking viewers:

Love Addicts

This German series—an Amazon Prime exclusive for customers in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland—is packed with humour and chaos across its eight episodes. Four different protagonists attempt to navigate the wild worlds of love and dating. They seek solutions to questions about love, relationships and feelings in a self-help group. Therapy members become friends who collectively address the challenge of why love is so elusive, exploring their questions through unconventional forms of therapy.


For thousands of years, gender norms have shaped our global social image. This Arte documentary series, spanning six episodes, delves into questions such as how gender determines our lives, the meaning of being a boy or a girl, and what it’s like to feel a sense of not belonging to either gender. The series offers deep insights into the lives and hearts of different individuals, incorporating personal experiences with perspectives from renowned scientists, psychologists and other experts.


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