The Health Benefits of Orgasms

“Did you…you know?” Did I what? Climax? Cum? Finish? Dare I say—orgasm? “Orgasm” shouldn’t be a dirty word! Experiencing pleasure is a natural and wonderful part of being human.


Breaking the Stigma

Orgasm is one way we can connect deeply with our partners, but it is also a way to connect deeply with ourselves.

It’s taboo to speak about self-pleasure in the same way one might speak about partnered sex. Neither is more moral or more important than the other. Solo sex and partnered sex are different but both are valuable. While we often see orgasms portrayed in the media, we rarely see how they can change our bodies and minds for the better. Orgasms don’t just feel amazing, they have numerous health benefits, both mental and physical.

What Happens?

An orgasm is the result of arousal and stimulation of genitals and/or erogenous zones. As we become increasingly aroused, sexual tension builds up in the body. When an orgasm occurs, this sexual tension is released from the body. During release, you may experience repeated contractions of the genitals (1). You may feel mild to intense pleasure and release fluids. Fluid release is not gender-specific! Contractions in the vulva or at the base of the penis can cause anyone of any gender identity to emit fluids during orgasm. When you orgasm, your body releases the chemicals dopamine and oxytocin into your bloodstream. Dopamine is sometimes called the “feel-good” neurotransmitter, and oxytocin is the “cuddle hormone” (2, 3). Your heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure increase for a short time. After orgasm, you may feel relaxed, or even tired (4).

Physical Benefits:

Long-term effects of orgasms can include:

Mental Benefits:

The health benefits of orgasms extend from your genitals to your brain! While emotional connectedness with a partner is a commonly thought-of benefit, solo play can bring mental health benefits, too. Orgasms can lead to:

It's Personal

To understand what is going down when you get down, check out CHEEX’s Guide to Orgasms! Just as every person is different, so too is their orgasm and how they reach it. Orgasms are like snowflakes—each one is different, even for the same person! There are so many ways to be able to induce orgasm, from clitoral, anal or penetrative vulvic stimulation, to nipple play. Discovering what works for you often involves trial and error with different combinations. It may not seem like the most efficient way, but remember that sex is a journey, not a destination. Make sure to enjoy the sights on your way to the peak! The hard truth is that there’s no one-size-fits-all method for having an orgasm. That’s also what makes them beautiful. Not sure where to start? Learn how to masturbate.

Changing It Up

Sometimes, all you need for an amazing orgasm is a new idea in your sex life or a fantasy you’ve been wanting to try. It could be anything from a new sex act to a roleplay or just a different tongue movement—“A little to the left… no not THAT far”. You don’t always have to move mountains to find something different that you enjoy. Don’t let anyone push you; the key to trying something new is consent. Do not do anything you are not comfortable with! Never do anything you’re not comfortable with. But if you’re looking to switch up your sexual routine, check out these CHEEX articles.
Sometimes returning to something familiar can bring renewed vigor and enjoyment to the sexual experience. As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Don’t be hard on yourself for revisiting old favourites.

Feeling Stuck

Many people find it takes more time to feel close to orgasm, or they find it challenging to experience orgasm at all. Factors like physicality, medication, stress, emotional issues or otherwise can contribute. Unfortunately, some individuals think they’re alone or doing something wrong in sex when facing this challenge. If you’re one of them, it’s not a sexual failing. Meet your body where it’s at, even if it’s frustrating to consider your body’s changing daily needs. Don’t feel guilty or embarrassed if you need to change how something happens during sex, alone or with a partner. You wouldn’t be mad at the weather for changing, and your body is as much a force of nature as the wind or the rain. That may sound sappy until you have an orgasm as intense as a lightning strike!

The Big O

Sure, the “O” can be big, but it’s not as scary as some make it seem. Quite the opposite, in fact! Orgasms offer many incredible benefits to both your body and your mind. People are realizing it, and the stigma is decreasing. There’s even a National Orgasm Day! Wherever you choose to have your orgasms and whomever you have them with, you can feel confident that you are bettering your mental and physical health with every session.


(1) Orgasm: What is an orgasm, types of orgasms & health benefits. (n.d.). Cleveland Clinic.

(2)  Dopamine. (2009, August 12). Psychology Today.

(3)  Can you kiss and hug your way to better health? (n.d.).

(4)  Orgasm: What is an orgasm, types of orgasms & health benefits. (n.d.). Cleveland Clinic.

(5)  The influence of vasopressin deficiency and acute desmopressin administration on melatonin secretion in patients with central diabetes insipidus. (n.d.). PubMed.

(6)  Psychological stress and the human immune system: A meta-analytic study of 30 years of inquiry. (n.d.). PubMed Central (PMC).

(7)  Hambach A, Evers S, Summ O, Husstedt IW, Frese A. The impact of sexual activity on idiopathic headaches: An observational study. Cephalalgia. 2013;33(6):384-389. doi:10.1177/0333102413476374

(8) Haake P, Krueger TH, Goebel MU, Heberling KM, Hartmann U, Schedlowski M. Effects of sexual arousal on lymphocyte subset circulation and cytokine production in man. Neuroimmunomodulation. 2004;11(5):293-8. doi: 10.1159/000079409. PMID: 15316239.

(9) Wise NJ, Frangos E, Komisaruk BR. Brain Activity Unique to Orgasm in Women: An fMRI Analysis. J Sex Med. 2017 Nov;14(11):1380-1391. doi: 10.1016/j.jsxm.2017.08.014. Epub 2017 Oct 3. PMID: 28986148; PMCID: PMC5675825.

(10) R. Bou Khalil,
P-1456 – Neurobiologic correlates between sexual activity and women’s mood, European Psychiatry,Volume 27, Supplement 1,2012,Page 1, ISSN 0924-9338,

(11) Weaver, R. (2011, November). The Mental Health Benefits of Sex. Her.


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