Noel Alejandro Films

Noel Alejandro Films is specialized in gay erotic videos. His process is a sensitive way of scriptwriting  that characterizes his videos with a strong narrative. The progress, slowly, begins with unconventional “getting to know one another” sequences benefiting from a well established connection in between the performers.

They  progress slowly, mapping sensitive points, discovering each other silently and in an intimate atmosphere. Noel Alejandro Films captures portraits of pleasure and closeups of deepest thrills. In the videos we see performers building closeness, getting attached to them. Long kisses, play, touch, attachment, dynamic camera makes it . Noel Alejandro Films records performers inside houses, and builds a safe, natural, and intimate atmosphere. Cuts and dynamic cameras usage create an authentic visual language that feels like memory flashbacks. Uses sophisticated ambient soundtracks. Very precisely chosen settings, with books, sofas, nature, and books.

Films from Noel Alejandro Films


Lust & Libido

Wie geht das mit der Lust? Verbessere deine Beziehungen und dein Sexualleben – vor allem mit dir selbst.

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