Michael Vegas

Michael Vegas

With his deep blue eyes and gorgeous curls, Michael Vegas is pretty drop-dead gorgeous. His star sign is Gemini, so if that’s your star sign or you get on well with Gemini’s, he is your man! Vegas, despite his name, was born in LA. He is open for pretty much everything, especially the use of a man’s asshole.

He sees himself as straight but is also open to some action with men, as long as they enjoy stretching his arse out. He believes, as do we, that there is a lack of content in heterosexual sex, where the man has his arse stretched out and he aims to create enough content to change that. When you first lay eyes on him he seems out of some Disney movie: a ‘Prince Charming’. This ‘Prince Charming’, however, is a little more up for breaking taboos and stretching content! He looks deep into the eyes of his lovers and his fingering is delectable. Even when he is fucking he can finger the clitoris to give the women the best kind of climax. He pays attention to every lover he is with and that’s the kind of sexy behavior we like to see on CHEEX. He fucks until the sweat drips down his majestic body and it is very sensual to watch him in such primal greatness. Michael Vegas will quite literally take your breath away. Or shall we say quite ‘cliterally’? (love a sex-word pun at CHEEX).

Films from Michael Vegas

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