Feuer.zeug Films

Feuer.zeug Films

Feuerzeugfilms is a porn production company that has the ideals of being feminist and fair. They are Freiburg based, ‘aiming to produce feminist porn that shows sex in realistic settings’.

That’s what we like to see at CHEEX! We love that Feuerzeugfilms aim for a wider public discussion on the representation of sexualities. They have produced two films so far, ‘Retour’, and ‘Sides of a lake’ which are in German, but have English subtitles. The team consists of around 15-20 people who vary from film students to those who give these films full-time dedication. The films they have already produced are brilliantly real and sensual. On their website, they show more of their ideas and rules that create an ethical and fair atmosphere for everyone involved. Leaving out the ‘male gaze’ by having a mostly female production company is one example of this. They also value not showing ‘degrading, racist, homosexual, trans or biphobic depictions’ and instead value and respect the visibility and diversity of sexuality. Interestingly, they also think about the ecological side of filming porn and want to be as sustainable as possible. They do this by being part of the Baden-Wurttemberg ‘’Green Shooting.’’ This really is the ethical porn revolution and we stand behind it completely! Feuerzeugfilms also organize talks and workshop evenings to bring the topic of pornography into the public sphere. They are brilliant and we can’t wait to see more sexy and fair films and talks coming from them!

Films from Feuer.zeug Films

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