Naomi Gale

Naomi Gale is a nervous system-led, somatic focussed root healing mentor. Naomi guides people back into connection with their wombs, vaginas, and vulvas through various modalities, including womb massage, vagina massage and vaginal steaming. 

Naomi works predominantly with those who have lost a deep connection with themselves, find pain in and around the vulva or are on a conception journey. Clients work with Naomi online or in-person through 1-1 spaces, circles or workshops. The author of In Your Vagina Lies The Key To Your Happiness, Naomi lives in Margate, UK, with her husband and three children.

Films from Naomi Gale


Lust & Libido

Wie geht das mit der Lust? Verbessere deine Beziehungen und dein Sexualleben – vor allem mit dir selbst.

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