CHEEX launches its ‘Organic Orgasm’ Campaign

There are a multitude of seals and initiatives that certify the sustainable nature of a product. In reality, however, these labels often fall short of their value. Fair, Organic, Ecological, Biological: the terms we usually associate with the food, the cosmetic, and the fashion industries are now being rethought in the ‘Organic Orgasm’ CHEEX campaign.To be able to mark a product with certification seals, one would at least expect a long and serious testing procedure – a basic prerequisite that also serves as quality assurance. But where are the certification seals in the porn industry?


Sexuality does not need labels. Porn does.

Despite improved educational structures, artificial substances are still being used in what is widely referred as mainstream porn. Magnified depictions of male and female sexual organs, exaggerated ideals of beauty, staged performances rather than performances showing real passion, and the fetishization if not exclusion of marginalized people: that is what we get on the readily accessible mainstream porn platforms. Free of charge and with a seemingly endless catalog, these platforms are especially damaging to younger people as their sexuality is being shaped by distorted images and their expectations made unrealistic. Untraceable sources and the absence of ethical guidelines in porn have had critical consequences, namely the sexualization and exploitation of minors, lack of consent, lack of communication between performers, neglect of female and non-heteronormative desire, as well as the distorted perception of one’s own body image. This alienation from one’s own sexuality – i.e. what it could actually look like and what it should mean to each individually – leads to both a distorted sense of self and a distorted sexual interactions with partners.

For more sustainability in the porn industry

CHEEX is a platform where sex is shown as it should be – fair, pleasurable, consensual, self-determined. Featuring a curated selection of erotic content, including porno films but also audio porn, workshops, and an online magazine, CHEEX has completely reimagined the classic porno website. Consent is always the focal point of our content. Ethical, however, does not only imply a realistic depiction of sex, but also apply to the people on the screen – this includes everyone involved in the shoot, especially performers. Interactions on set are based on respect and professionalism. Unified guidelines offer performers the opportunity to prepare themselves emotionally and physically for their work. Fair payment and regular health care are the focus of ethical work in the field of pornography. Besides an authentic representation of sex, the well-being of all participants, along with the respect of their boundaries and wants, have the highest priority. These guidelines do not only concern to the films, but also to the audio erotica and the educational magazine on the CHEEX website. While these criteria are guaranteed by CHEEX, they should be implemented as the standard in the porn industry overall.

Organic Orgasms for everyone

CHEEX is one of the few platforms that works against the tide and the excess of mainstream porn, by way of embracing ethical and fairly produced erotic films. Behind every piece of pornography there are people, which is why porn consumption needs to be redefined, with responsibility at its core.

This Global Ethics Day, CHEEX is campaigning to educate people about the grievances in the adult industry, aiming to raise awareness for the sustainable consumption of pornography. Paying for pornography ensures, as previously mentioned, that an ethical and fair porn production can be financed, implemented, and respected. Incidentally, it releases performers from unrealistic expectations and pressure to perform. They are also encouraged to live out their own sexuality on screen, and it therefore fosters a healthy relationship both to themselves, and their shoot partners. As we already know, most people are willing to pay for authentic and natural pornography if only it is made accessible – our mission here at CHEEX.

With self-designed certification seals of approval, the ‘Organic Orgasm’ campaign makes a statement, pushing for verified pornography and advocating the introduction of fair and ethical guidelines for all persons involved in the production of pornographic content. Pornography and the Fair-Trade movement are brought together in the campaign’s slogans “Organic Orgasm”, “Sustainable Spanking”, or “Fairtrade Fetish” – just to name a few.

Be part of it – your contribution towards a more sustainable porn industry

Do you want to be part of the movement and stand up for more natural and fairness in the porn industry? Are you tired of following mainstream standards and wish for more sex-positivity?

CHEEX launches its awareness campaign today on October 19, 2022, to coincide with Global Ethics Day – but your help in spreading the message is essential. You can learn more about fairness in the porn industry in articles available on our free magazine “The Ethos of Ethical Porn“, “Ethical Porn Is Not a Genre” or “Why You Should Pay for Your Porn.” You can also simply share our ‘Organic Orgasm’ campaign, or even become a CHEEX member opting for either a monthly or an annual subscription.

Mainstream porn will never completely disappear, but by setting and fighting for a positive standard in pornography, we are taking a big step towards a fairer and safer industry both for performers and consumers.

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