With Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius we’re transitioning to a time that will upend our community, connections and ideals. Who do we surround ourselves with, and why? What are our dreams for an improved, redefined environment? A little bit of revolution is in the air and, as we all know: there’s no revolution without sexual evolution!

We’ve looked to the stars for you and have skried the astrological trends that will affect you and your zodiac in this upcoming year. If you’re looking for sexual inspiration, you’re in the right place. Be it hard or soft, dominant or submissive, our horoscopes take into account your sign and your ascendant.
What's your sign?
Aquarius: 21. January - 19. February

2021 is going to be a big year for all those born in the sign of Aquarius. A year of transformation, of change and expansion. With Saturn and Jupiter meandering in your sign for lengthy phases, the world is finally ready to see eye-to-eye. Can you smell a revolution? We sure think so. When it comes to sex, nothing turns you on more than a good old mixture of weirdly world views and a burgeoning spirit. The word sapiosexual must have been invented by an Aquarius. Maybe that’s why you’ll probably take it better than most others to have to celebrate your birthday during a socially, uh, calmer part of this year. Use this time of isolation and get to know your own needs and kinks.
By the time we’re ready to sit down and discuss (see: flirt) again, you’ll be ready. You won’t be quite so heady anymore when someone tends to your ankles and legs with tongue, hands and teeth. Those are your erogenous zones. Sounds weird? Exactly.
Pisces: 20. February - 20. March

Dear Pisces, we know your dirty secret. You might play at innocence, but have you ever had someone lick the soles of your feet? Have you ever stared at someone else’s sandaled, arching soles? Don’t be embarrassed, you’re not alone. All Pisces feel that way. No need to jump straight to a foot-fetish, but a small foot massage can definitely set off a rumble deep down inside. All those who have Pisces as lovers and are currently reading this: take to heart that they don’t always enjoy talking about their sexual needs. They prefer to experience the transcendental melding of two souls, even if it’s just a loose affair. Confusing? Pisces. Whilst your birthday will likely fall somewhere between lockdown and loosening as well, you’re not greatly bothered by that. Between May and July Jupiter will swim for a few weeks in your waters and bring new visions to your life.
Where will it go? How will you grow, what will expand your horizons? Follow your intuition!
Aries: 21. March - 20. April

You are ruled by Mars, who spent an unusually large amount of time in your life in 2020 and has probably tired you out. His decline throughout the second half of the year caused you a lot of back and forth, but rest assured that the time has come to move full speed ahead again. 2021 is levelling your playing field and giving you a fresh start. In terms of sex, you now know what you want – and what triggers you. Use that newfound knowledge, 2021 invites you to meet new people and ask yourself how you want to contribute to your greater community. Your impulsivity and attractivity will receive a sudden boost in April, when Venus enters Aries for a few weeks. Let’s be honest here, your willpower is unassailable anyway. We need people like you, who are willing to go head first through a wall at times.
Our tip for more zest: get one of those head massagers to place next to your pile of sex toys. Don’t pretend like you’ve got any inhibitions there.
Taurus: 21. April - 20. May

Mars is entering the phase of the bull right at the start of this year. The Taurus-borne are usually more of the couch-potato type, but Mars won’t let that slide this time. By the time Venus enters your zodiac in March, it will bring with it spring and a sudden burst of romance, sharpening your sense of aesthetics to hitherto unknown levels. This fresh energy will make you more open for sexual adventure. Have you ever tried sex outdoors? Come your birthday you’ll most assuredly be able to invite your friends over for dinner again and let them celebrate you to the fullest. Saturn in Aquarius will challenge your usual thought-patterns, but you have Uranus on your side who may whisper to you a revolutionary idea or two.
Our tip for you: have you ever tried combining the sexual with food? No need to grab the whipped cream just yet, eating a raspberry from a belly button or running the tips of strawberries along the curves of a figure might be refreshingly arousing for you. An intimate combination of two of life’s greatest pleasures…
Gemini: 21. May - 21. June

Twins never come alone, but then neither do hands or arms. Both of these will immediately grab your attention. Whether you like to have a lover tie you up or you prefer to explore the cracks and crevices of someone’s hands is up to you. Your curiosity is out of the question. As dating hasn’t been the most fulfilling of late, it might just be the right time to reach out to your inner nerd and immerse yourself in new topics or fields. Let your intuition guide you, the universe has your best interests at heart and will not disappoint. If you want to try something new, find a sexual hobby. Start writing erotic fiction to turn yourself on? Whatever it is, you can always stop if it doesn’t do it for you. The world is your oyster as long as you never say no to that innate curiosity of yours.
2021 will revolve around the big questions in your life: where will it lead you, what path will your life take? The solar eclipse in Gemini on the 10th may bring with it some unexpected answers…
Cancer: 22.June - 22. July

As a sign ruled by the lunar energies in this universe, your emotions can ebb and flow just like the tides. No one understands yourself better than you (with the exception, of course, of your fellow water signs, the Scorpios and Pisces). If you need to cry every once in a while, then out with it! Your sexuality is, to put it mildly, more soft than not, but that is exactly what defines your charm. You belong to the type of person that is infinitely loyal and faithful (regarding your sun sign and ascendant, anyway). Those who are allowed to enter your nest aren’t permitted to leave again soon. Your erogenous zone, no matter your gender, is the chest area. Nipple-play was invented by Cancers, of that we are certain. Saturn and Jupiter will remain in Aquarius throughout large swathes of 2021, which might just confront you with the limits of your sexuality.
How far are you willing to go? Where are your borders? What kinks do you want to try out? 2021 is a year full of new beginnings, use them.
Leo: 23. July - 23. August

For once, the sun does not revolve around you. This year is about the people who make up your community. Sorry Leos, you’ll have to share your stage in 2021. Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius are going to provoke the really big questions and hence your vision of a new society. You’re uniquely positioned to provide your very own point of view to this issue. Aquarius and Leo share the tendency to put their carrier into the center of attention. Nobody surfs the treacherous waves of the ego better than those born under the sign of the Lion. Aquarius helps carry this knowledge to a collective level. Does that sound like revolution to you? It should: Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius bring with them exactly this energy and that is a trend that won’t stop before the end of 2021.
You have a giant heart, use it as best you can. However, all this activism doesn’t mean pleasure should fall short. Our tip for those comfortable moments: let your lover gently stroke that back of yours for a change.
Virgo: 24. August - 23. September

You’d probably not describe yourself as unconventional (we wouldn’t either!), but with Uranus dancing in the sign of Taurus you’re bound to experience a subtle impulse or two. Enough to bring a well ordered and balanced being such as yourself to its knees every once in a while. Between the middle of May and the end of June you’ll be getting a taste of the trend that will define 2022 for you: Jupiter will enter the sign of Pisces, your polar opposite zodiac, and focus your attention on the relationships in your life. All types of relationships, from lovers to friends, colleagues to family. The rest of the year would be well spent analyzing your routines. What hasn’t aged well, what needs to be replaced with fresh ideas? You’re not known for being the type to show up to a date with a whip dangling from your wrist, but let it be known that Virgos are anything other than meek!
Why not try out a bit of consensual power-play? And if you do prefer the more gentle way, why not ask your lover to stroke and kiss your lower belly. Feel anything?
Libra: 24. September - 23. October

Dear Libras, all this social distancing has been tougher on you than the others. You define yourself through your relationships and not having your intimates close by you has been tough. Rest assured, 2021 will bring a fresh breeze to your life – we’re leaving an era of Earth Signs and entering one of the Air, which is well suited to you and your need for connection. Jupiter in Aquarius brings us sexy visions of you with new flirts and a newfound lust for playfulness. Throw on your best outfit (even if just for that Zoom call!), not that the sign most likely to wear gold earrings and pajamas in their video conference needs to be told that. With Uranus in Taurus you’ve got the chance to redefine your sexuality with fresh kinks and ideas, the crazier the better!
Of course, vanilla is great, but what about that leather dog mask you’ve always wanted to try? Don’t take life too seriously, it is but a game.
Scorpio: 24. October - 22. November

People. Are they ever to be trusted? 2021 will force you out of your comfort zone, which means your ruthless intuition will be more necessary than ever. An important lesson for Scorpios is to just leave other people be instead of trying to control them with little games of power and strife. That can be ‘Oh So Difficult!’, but brings a question that you can ask yourself now, with Saturn in Aquarius: What does security mean for you? Where is your nest? The weeks between May and July will bring with them new heights of flirtatiousness thanks to Jupiter taking a little detour to Pisces, coaxing out your playfulness. 2021 will bring with it a fresh breeze for you, dominated by intellectual and spiritual energies that are defined by the air signs. As a water sign, that might take some getting used to, but try to look at it like this: water and air creates soda, the best of thirst quenchers.
There’s not much we can teach you in regards to sexuality, but maybe it’s time for that new butt-plug you’ve been thinking of? Just a thought.
Sagittarius: 23. Nov - 21. Dec

With the moon’s nodes on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis you’re likely to find yourself in a charged state of being. What throws you off, what can you grasp to take the reins into your own hands? As a fire sign it doesn’t take much to set you off on new adventures and 2021 is a year that is made for just that. Don’t fear the public, put your aspirations out there. Talk about your visions and dreams, we need you! Maybe it’s time to try out some dirty talk? Take it the extra mile and try it in a foreign language, that sounds like a challenge and adventure fit for a Sagittarius. New people and noble goals, that seems to be the poison of choice for you. Your worldly and all-encompassing vision is exactly what the astrological atmosphere of 2021 will promote – we’re seeing the beginnings of a new society.
What will your contribution be? Your courage to break out of old traditions and leave the past behind. Dream big!
Capricorn: 22. December - 20. January

An important cycle is nearing its end. With Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto and at times even Mercury and Venus in Capricorn, 2020 was a tough year even to your tastes. What will you do with your newfound ease? If we’re going to talk about your sex life (we are), summer could definitely bring some much needed heating up for you. Plan a vacation (or at the very least some time without any responsibilities) and try out some new things. Maybe you’ll meet people that challenge you, that can awaken new sides of yourself with their own mysteries. Which would bring us to your erogenous zones. Capricorn rules over everything that brings structure and next to your skeleton that very much includes your joints. Have you ever massaged the back of your knee?
Capricorns can be so preoccupied with organizing everything, you should make it your resolution to let go once in a while, especially regarding sex. 2021 will be the year that’ll bring you a lot of progress here.