Sadie Lune

Sadie Lune

Sadie Lune is a formidable sex activist and sex worker with a career in the industry spanning almost two decades.

The Berlin-based American has won awards for her short films and performances, is part of feature films and queer porn, and has exhibited whore positive art in squats and the famous SFMoMA. She describes herself on social media as an interdisciplinary feminist-dominant coach and is an artist on stage and in film.

But that is not all and in no way a sufficient description of her expertise. Her work includes other topics and assignments, such as writing for magazines about sexuality, gender, intimacy, BDSM, feminist porn, queer parenthood and sex work. She is an important and respected voice for sex workers’ rights, not only in America but also in Europe, representing the voices of many. You may have seen her, for example, speaking on Youtube in “Girl Talk 2011”, where she talks about the progression of learning about and getting close to trans women. 

In addition to her collaborative work, she is a loving mother of two children. 

With her versatility and power she has impressed and enchanted us. Her knowledge, reflected in her performance, enriches our site, which is why we are honored to feature her content on CHEEX.

Films from Sadie Lune

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