CHEEXY CHATS: Are Hook-Ups the Path To sexual Liberation

Hello everyone and welcome to the format CHEEXY Chats in our CHEEX TALKS podcast from our ethical pleasure platform CHEEX. We are Helen and Amenzee, we love chatting freely about diverse topics connected to Se+ & Relationships and in our 8th Episode we are talking about Hook-Up-Culture and discuss what role it plays in finding our sexual liberation.


We’re talking about different kinds of movements that fought for se+ual liberation over the last years, we sum up what the term “se+ual liberation” means to us and critically dive into the topic of Hook-Up-Culture and many of its aspects. Is it freeing? Does it stand in the way of love? What about consent? Bodycounts? Pressure? Does it support the Patriarchy? Does it lead to freedom? What other ways are there to become se+ual liberated? And does se+ual liberation necessarily mean to have a lot of se+ ?

Join us on the ride and feel free to comment on Instagram, Spotify or via Mail, what your thoughts & experiences with Hook-Ups are!

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Follow us on Instagram: @getcheex

Musik: Eva-Lotte Andereya

Cut & Mix: Vanessa Sonnenfroh


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