Vote For Your Porn

2024 has been dubbed a “super election year”. Unfortunately, none of this has been fun so far, so we’ve decided it’s time for you to vote for something that’s right up your alley: a porn movie of your deepest fantasies!


To take this mission even further, we invite you to influence the direction of our next porn production. From July 29th to August 11th, you’ll have a chance to vote on many elements of the next CHEEX Original, including the visual style, intensity, practices, number of performers, and setting. (NOTE: Please share any specific fantasies you may have in the free answer field.)

Before being implemented into our next original porn production, the results of the poll will be shared on our magazine and social media pages.

Vote for your porn now

What are fantasies to begin with?

In the 1950s, it was assumed that sexual fantasies came from a lack of satisfaction with one’s sex life. Today, we understand the harmful effects of this limiting belief.

In fact, arousing and stimulating mental images can strengthen intimacy and promote pleasure, contributing to overall health.³ Plus, according to an Italian study, around 90–97% of the population have erotic fantasies, making them the most common form of sexual activity.(1)

Imagination and shame

Erotic fantasies are often based on real-life desires or experiences, but not always.(2)
Fantasies can meet unfulfilled needs, escape from reality, or mirror a socially taboo desire.

It’s important to understand that fantasy and sexual expression are not the same. There’s no need to be ashamed of them! Especially once you realize how common a lot of them are:

From Fantasy to porn

Through “Vote for Your Porn”, you can also learn about the production conditions of a porn set. We intend to expand the educational impact with set visits and sharing BTS content from our porn shoots via our social media content, podcast and newsletter. In the process, we will debunk myths about porn productions and give you an inside look into intimacy coordination at CHEEX. If you’re eager to learn more, check out our CHEEKY Chats Podcast episode with guest Lina Bembe.

Whatever your fantasies are, know they are okay. It’s important to meet them with curiosity! Don’t forget that just because you have a thought doesn’t mean that have to act on it.

“Vote For Your Porn” and share your fantasy now. Help us make CHEEX more diverse!


1 ) Rahim, K. A. (2021). Revisiting the Concept of Sexual Fantasies: ANarrative Review. 1–5.
2 ) Nimbi, F. M., Galizia, R., Fontanesi, L., Soyman, S., Jannini, E. A.,Simonelli, C., & Tambelli, R. (2023). Sexual Desire and Erotic FantasiesQuestionnaire: Validation of the Erotic Fantasy Inventory Scale(SDEF3) in Italian Adults. Healthcare, 11(6), 880.
3 ) According to the Definition by Leitenberg & Henning, 1995.
4 )


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