Blue Artichoke Films

Blue Artichoke Films

Blue Artichoke films, ‘work collaboratively to create daring and sexually engaging art’. Blue Artichoke Films are run by a Wonder Woman, Jennifer Lyon Bell , who after training at Harvard, decided to mix arthouse cinema with explicit sexual content.

She soon became the founder of Blue Artichoke Films to create erotic fiction films and documentaries to ‘illuminate the riveting, intimate, and sometimes delightfully awkward side of sex’. Like CHEEX, they believe that porn can be cinema and cinema is porn. The two aren’t separate. Porn should be respected and critiqued in the same way as cinema. So, it is inspiring and lovely to see that Blue Artichoke Films have been screened on primetime television and at the London Institute of Contemporary Arts. It is ‘bumming’ into the mainstream! The ethos and care of the cast and crew are of importance to them. There is a method to these films as all members of the production ‘explore the psychology of each character’s sexual boundaries, whether through traditional acting exercises, experimentation during rehearsals, or by simply being brave enough to take emotional risks.’ You can see why we have chosen their films for CHEEX, as they are portraying sex and sexuality in an emotionally realistic way. Their films are artistically a delight to watch and leave you with an appetite for wanting more.

Films from Blue Artichoke Films

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