How FREE is your SEX?

Together with einhorn, we explore the question “What does sexual freedom mean to you?” and look for answers to who or what is actually sexually liberated today


We live in a time when the topic of sexuality seems more ubiquitous than ever before. Sex seems to be available at any time through dating apps and pornography is always just a click away. We can read books about sex or listen to podcasts on the subject. We can consume and inform ourselves. But does that automatically mean we are sexually liberated or is it an illusion?

Is our society sexually liberated? Or have we perhaps been more developed in past times?

Censorship on platforms like Instagram and the debate around abortions signal to us that perhaps our sexuality is not yet as liberated as we are led to believe.

how FREE is your SEX ?


CHEEX x Einhorn

One question, countless answers. Together with einhorn, we explore the question “What does sexual freedom mean to you?” and look for answers to who or what is actually sexually liberated today. Sexuality and our relationship to it has changed constantly in recent years. Modern influences like the internet, digital pornography, and queer feminism are changing the idea of sexual freedom and opening doors. While some people are fueling sexual rebellion, others feel pressured by new expectations.

Moreover, the question arises to what extent we can speak of liberation while power relations between the sexes are continuously asymmetrical. Does this movement primarily reflect the heteronormative social class? What answers do sex workers and porn performers as well as queer people have? How dependent is the perception of sexual freedom on our sex, gender, appearance, or skin color? The topic of sexual freedom is political and we want to talk about it.

We want to enter into an exchange and encourage people to deal with their own sexual freedom. Because even if the topic seems personal at first glance, it tells us a lot about the society we live in. With the help of our survey, we want to capture a snapshot in which different perspectives on the topic of sexual freedom are recorded and bundled.

Be a part of our sexual liberation movement and do your part to bring the issue to the forefront. By participating, you will help make this personal yet political issue more visible. The survey is the start of a process at the end of which you will learn how to become more sexually liberated. Let’s go!

To participate in the survey, follow this Link.

Survey participants will be entered into a drawing for CHEEX memberships and einhorn packages!


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